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Thursday 9 April 2015

Distance Learning at Central University College

Tertiary Educations in Ghana
Distance Learning  Campus  view

Brief Background

The Centre for Open and Distance Education (CODE) was set up in November 2011 following recommendations to Management by the              E-Learning Committee set up by the President. The centre was established to provide accessibility, affordability and flexibility of educational resources to students without compromise on standards through the use of ICT. The CODE will offer online Central Business School courses leading to the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees and the Master of Business Administration degree. Selected lecturers in the Business School have been trained and commissioned to write course contents for use by the CODE. Already, some of the courses have been written and it is expected that others will be received so that by the beginning of next academic year, the centre will be launched and the courses rolled out.

To provide a virtual classroom where various disciplines of knowledge at the tertiary level are offered to learners through the use of ICT.

To promote education for all by providing both affordability and accessibility to higher education through ITC-aided distance learning while ensuring that the principles of faith, integrity and excellence permeate all course offerings.

 Undergraduate Programmes available at Central University
 WACE and SSCE grading system for Universities in Ghana
 Postgraduate Programmes available at Central University College
 Brieg historical background of Central University


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