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Friday 6 March 2015

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Tertiary Educations in Ghana
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, which start as the Kumasi C0llege of Technology in the early 1950s, received its accreditation as the University in 1961 and it is the second largest tertiary institution in Ghana. It is located in Kumasi, Ghana’s second largest city. It is coeducational and offers courses in diverse fields. However, the distinguishing features of this institution is that it focuses on the teaching of science and technology, as well as research and information dissemination in the area. All first degree programmes are four (4) years duration. Total student  population as at 2004/05 academic year is about 18,580. Admission is very competitive for all courses and open to both local and foreign students. In 2004/05, it is estimated that about 13,000 people applied for admission, out of which only 6,580 were taken. In particular, its Engineering programmes are highly competitive, and its fame rest on high demand and quality of output in this area. There are about 500 teaching and research staff in 2004/05. Like all public Universities in Ghana, it has campus residential facilities for students and lecturers, however due to the increased intakes, a lot more are non – residential. 

It has beautiful  campus  as well as lectures halls as shown below

Tertiary Education in Ghana
KNUST Entrance gate

Tertiary Educations in Ghana
KNUST Pavement
Tertiary Education in Ghana
KNUST at Lectures


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